A Smarter Way To Search & Match
Luxury buyers often wait on the sidelines for months to years, in an attempt to locate their ideal property and lifestyle. Current search is standardized, meaning many of the attributes you desire to search for, do not exist. Building a profile in LuxMatch will offer you a head start on your search, based on your most desired attributes. As new 'private on market' properties become available, our lead brokerage partner will keep you updated with any potential matches. By including more geospatial property intelligence we are able to eliminate an incredible amount of wasted time for agents, buyers, and sellers. We are currently offering this new service in Greene County, NY for both buyers and sellers, as we look to improve your search.
Buyer Benefits Include:
- Search by Unprecedented Attributes
- Private Property matches, only available on LuxMatch
- Luxmatch constantly adds new search attributes to expedite search
- Notifications when a matching property becomes privately available
- Our Luxury Brokerage Partner can manage the entire process